• collection

Brillerai d’oro vestita,

Bionda figlia dell’estate,

quando al cielo il canto sale,

delle tremule cicale

- M. Castoldi

Inspirazione Boho Chic per gli abiti moda estate, dove Pizzo e Macramè si accostano a sete dai toni caldi e tessuti stampati leggeri, creando uno stile elegante e giocoso ideale per la donna che non si prende troppo sul serio, ma vuole essere comunque perfetta per ogni occasione.

You will shine with gold dressed,
Blond daughter of summer,
when the song rises to the sky,
of the cicadas tremulous
- M. Castoldi
Boho Chic inspiration for summer fashion dresses, where Lace and Macramé are combined with silks in warm tones and light printed fabrics, creating an elegant and playful style ideal for the woman who does not take herself too seriously, but still wants to be perfect for every occasion.

 “Summer’s Blonde Daughter”